72 Pluto+Charon.jpgWhen Hardy painted Pluto for 'Challenge of the Stars' in 1972 it was not known that Pluto (then a planet too!) had not only a large moon, Charon, but several much smaller ones. As this image has always been rather popular he decided to update it, digitally, as above. (The original version is also available.) |  Pluto & CharonPluto and Charon. Charon is bluer than Pluto and appears grey, while the surface of Pluto is reddish, so the two are of different composition. Pluto is the only 'planet' to rotate synchronously with the orbit of its satellite, so that each always sees the same face of the other. From Futures. |  Pluto & Charon 1Pluto, once the outermost planet, is according to some astronomers, not a true planet but a 'dwarf planet'. But it and its relatively large moon Charon, form a 'double world', with Charon orbiting almost vertical to the plane of Pluto's orbit. Several other small moons have also been discovered. |
 New Horizons at Pluto 2015My friend, scientist and digital artist Dr Dan Durda, produced a very accurate 3D model of New Horizons, which I combined here with my 1991 painting. The probe revealed 'polygonal structures' in an area called Sputnik Planum – very similar to those seen here – and Charon also has large canyons or crevasses like these! |  Pluto & Charon with New HorizonsMy friend, scientist and digital artist Dr Dan Durda, produced a very accurate 3D model of New Horizons, which I combined here with my much earlier painting, also in this Gallery. This event actually happened on 14 July 2015. |  New Horizon Nearing PlutoMy friend, scientist and digital artist Dr Dan Durda, produced a very accurate 3D model of New Horizons, which I combined here with my much earlier 'diagram' painting of Pluto, also in this Gallery. |